The BTS of building wealth through hypergamy (My experience) + Business & life lessons.
4 months ago • 15 min readCéline Gray The behind-the-scenes of building wealth through hypergamy (My experience) + Business & life lessons. What millionaire wives don't tell you. Hello my dear, I hope this newsletter finds you well. But if you’re not feeling your best, that’s okay—it will get better, it always does. As usual, I’ve missed you a lot. Today’s newsletter delves into the behind-the-scenes of building wealth through hypergamy. I’ll be sharing my own lived experience and the valuable lessons I’ve learned...
READ POSTThe ethnicity of my ex-husband... how many times have i been married... Is my real name Celine ?
9 months ago • 4 min readCéline Gray The ethnicity of my ex-husband... how many times have i been married... Is my real name Celine ? ↓ Hello ladies, I hope you had a pleasant weekend. In my previous newsletters, part 1 and part 2 I talked about my first hypergamous marriage and how it changed the trajectory of my life. In addition to a detailed breakdown of the financial dynamic, I had with my ex-husband before and after marriage. Before I go into the final chapter, I want to answer a few questions I received from...
READ POSTThe financial details of an ultra-hypergamous marriage (My experience)
9 months ago • 7 min readCéline Gray The financial details of an ultra-hypergamous marriage (My experience) ↓ Hello again, In my previous newsletter (read here), I talked about my short-lived period as a stay-at-home wife to my ex-husband and how it didn’t suit me personally, the circumstances of my very first business endeavor and much more... Now let me tell you about: The financial details of what it’s like to be married into a higher socio-economic class when you’re from a lower economic class. The relationship...
READ POSTWhat it is like to be a rich housewife and why I am no longer one.
9 months ago • 11 min readCéline Gray What it is like to be a rich housewife and why I am no longer one. ↓ In this newsletter, you will find: A quick recap of who I am. What it’s like being married to a wealthy man How and WHY I went from engineer to housewife to my first husband, and a peak inside my life back then. How my first marriage kick-started my business ventures and how it helped me create my own wealth. Hello hello, my sweet girlie, Well… It’s been a minute! I know, I know! you’re probably mad at me for...
READ POSTMy first high-fashion trick + Best gold-digging tip!
about 1 year ago • 2 min readCéline Gray My first high-fashion trick + Best gold-digging tip! ↓ Hello girlies, I was in my early 20s, freshly graduated, and clueless about fashion and styling. I had just broken up with a baby "boyfriend" (2-month relationship) whose only relevance to the story is a pair of earrings he had given me and that I sold the same week I broke up with him. Why? Because I didn't need earrings. I needed a wardrobe upgrade for the corporate world. Back then the only thing I knew about fashion and...