Marrying a provider doesn't automatically mean being in a hypergamous marriage.

Céline Gray

Marrying a provider doesn't automatically mean being in a hypergamous marriage.

Hello ladies,

I commented on a post from an anonymous lady in another group and i wanted to share it here so we can all discuss it and learn something.

The post :

Ladies who're married to a provider and protector and still make an income. Can you tell me what are the things you contribute financially at home? Or what are the things that is okay for us to contribute on? Can you please help me clarify this as most couples around me are on 50/50 relationship and I don't want that. I have also just started dating. I would like to get an insight into how hypergamy marriage works. Thank you so much for your time.

My answer :

When you marry someone, whose income is at least twice yours, he should be by default the main or sole provider for the household, even if you merge finances with him. That's why I always insist that women should marry up, way up.

A married couple where the man earns a slightly higher income than the wife will eventually turn into a 50/50 situation, even if he is a provider. Because it's the only way for both of them to have a better life together. A provider with very limited resources can only provide so much. I've seen so many women in similar situations who ended up contributing to the expenses by choice because they wanted better lives for their kids.

When you look closely into each relationship that goes by a 50/50 money split, you'll usually find that they cannot afford otherwise, especially in this economy. Most working women who are married to "provider" men in their own tax bracket know that they will have to give up some if not all luxuries if they do not contribute financially to the household.

Since you are yet to date and still not committed to anyone, I personally would recommend you date men whose net worth is at least 10x yours. That way, whatever you are making will be considered pocket change compared to his, it's the only context where your money is truly YOUR money alone.

It's not a mentality or a way of thinking, it's really just basic math.

I wish you well in your dating endeavors, just don't entertain men who don't meet your financial standards.

I am Celine Gray

I write (anonymously) about everything I learned from 25+ years of dating up and marrying up (twice).

If this is something that appeals to you, subscribe to my monthly newsletter where i talk (unapologetically) about hypergamy strategy, money, glamour, gold-digging economics, and how to make it to the top...the woman way...and be happy! (Guaranteed Fluff-free).

Céline, with love ❤

113 Cherry St , WA, Seattle #92768
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