Misconceptions about hypergamy and why some women don't achieve it?

Céline Gray

Misconceptions about hypergamy and why some women don't achieve it?

Hello beautiful ladies,

I was talking to a young woman from this group and she asked me some very interesting questions, so I thought of sharing them with my answers:

Q: What’s the biggest misconception you see going around in the hypergamy/level-up online community since you joined it?

A: That good high-earning men don’t care about the woman’s financial situation or her standing in the social hierarchy. Not necessarily what you’re born into, but more about how high your social status can ascend.

They care more than you think and it’s a different kind of interest. They might not care in the greedy sense as women do, but they use it to determine your position on the power scale.

Q: Why do so many women fail at achieving their hypergamy goal even though they tried? What is the number one factor in their failure? ( From the women I encountered in my life)

A: The ones who are addicted to male affection (most time they’re not aware of it, and it’s different from being addicted to male attention)

They’re usually not comfortable being alone, they tend to be emotionally demanding even from their friends and family. So they get attached very easily to the first man who has the bare minimum of what they want ( financially ) and they settle.

So they end up in the uphill battle of “How do I make him do this… “, “How do I make him lean into his masculine…” and so on.

The man she chooses is usually “ a good person”, he just doesn’t meet her financial expectations.

It’s actually not that hard to change this personality trait once the person is aware of it. The hardest part is the ability to be deeply self-aware and self-reflective. But the majority of women like that, most times “ misdiagnose” the situation by thinking that they just don’t attract “ rich men”.

When in fact they just couldn’t sit still for a bit longer, exercise, and optimise their dating options.

There is a direct connection between the ability to be content with your own company, to not feel the need to fill your time with meaningless social and romantic interactions, and success in hypergamy.

Let me know what you think and if you have any questions like that don’t hesitate to ask in the comments. It’s actually a helpful exercise as it gives me direction and pushes me to develop my ideas in the way that can be most useful to you.

I am Celine Gray

I write (anonymously) about everything I learned from 25+ years of dating up and marrying up (twice).

If this is something that appeals to you, subscribe to my monthly newsletter where i talk (unapologetically) about hypergamy strategy, money, glamour, gold-digging economics, and how to make it to the top...the woman way...and be happy! (Guaranteed Fluff-free).

Céline, with love ❤

113 Cherry St , WA, Seattle #92768
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